The wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.


[font index=”14281610412032102″ advanced_class=”H1″]WOLVES SHEEP AND SHEEPDOGS[/font]

Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it!
The sheepdog speech comes from Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman’s book On Combat, published in 2004.


Who are the wolves? 

The criminals and the terrorists in our world are the wolves.  They prey upon the sheep.  The wolves commit nightmarish crimes for reasons which are perfectly justified in their twisted minds.  These wolves do not kill, torture, or commit atrocities to survive. They do these things because they are “delusional killers” with mental and or emotional problems; homicidal ideations to commit public violence and suicide. We lack the understanding, diagnosis or treatment of those disorders; consequently, the acts alludes explanation, so we call them evil.Honor

The wolves in our society will commit horrible crimes against the sheep every single day and night.  We all know this.  If we are not prepared to confront these predators then we are simply plodding through life, hoping that the wolf will select another.  Our citizenry has largely become a flock of sheep who cower when the wolf comes, secretly relieved when some other sheep is selected by the wolf.

We lock our doors and we watch our children because of the wolves.  We form neighborhood watch groups and pay taxes to support a police department because we know that wolves are real.  We put up with airport security procedures and police check points because we have seen the carnage caused by wolves.  We support an Army to fight wolves all around the world.  We educate our children regarding the danger of wolves and how to avoid them.  Our lives are affected by the threat of wolves every single day.

The economic cost of incarcerating wolves is staggering.  The wars we are waging against wolves have drained our nation’s blood and treasure.  Wolves are the things of which nightmares are made.  There are such things as monsters.  We see them on the news every evening and some of us will see them up close and having done so, we may never be the same.

Who are Sheep? 

Most people are sheep.  They accept no responsibility for the safety and protection of themselves, their families or their flock.  When sheep live their lives hoping that they will not be taken by the wolf and yet knowing that the wolf is going to take someone, the sheep are in effect hoping that the wolf will take their neighbor.  Is hoping that the wolf will take someone else a strategy?  Is it moral?  Is it Christian?  Is it American?  How did Americans come to this deplorable state of deciding to be sheep?  Sheep foolishly pretend that someone else will always be there to protect them.  Many Americans complain constantly about the “Nanny State,” where the government attempts to provide everything for everyone while taking our freedoms in the process.  Yet these same people expect the government to provide them with personal protection which is not even physically possible.

Most sheep which are attacked by the wolf go to their graves or the hospital, wishing for help and thinking, “this is not fair, I do not deserve this.” Deserve has nothing to do with it.  Fairness has nothing to do with it.  Fairness is a childish notion.  If life were fair, babies would not be born with horrible illnesses.   Adults need to get over the idea that life is going to be fair and that the wolf will choose another sheep.  Sheep often believe that they will not be chosen by the wolf because “I am a good sheep and I will be spared.”  To this type of thinking, we can only say, grow up!  Bad things happen to good people every day.

Who are Sheepdogs?

This Photo, Which Appeared On The Front Page Of This Morning'S Edition Of The New York Times, Shows An Iraqi Boy Taking Cover Behind A U.s. Soldier As Civilians Fled The Sound Of Gunshots Following A Suicide Bombing Yesterday In Central Baghdad That Killed At Least 21 People And Wounded 66 Others.

This photo, which appeared on the front page of this morning’s edition of the new york times, shows an iraqi boy taking cover behind a u. S. Soldier as civilians fled the sound of gunshots following a suicide bombing yesterday in central baghdad that killed at least 21 people and wounded 66 others.

Finally, there are the sheepdogs.  They guard the flock.  They are the protectors of our society.  They are the soldiers, the police officers, and the armed citizens who have accepted the responsibility for protecting themselves and others by the use of deadly force if necessary.

The sheep are not always comfortable with the sheepdog because the sheepdog looks a lot like the wolf.  The sheepdog is armed.  He has fangs (guns).  This frightens the sheep.  The sheepdogs run toward danger.  The sheep find this confusing because they only run away from danger.  Often the sheep do not like the sheepdog until the wolf comes.  Then the sheep try to hide behind the sheepdog, begging for his protection.

Sheepdogs do not live life hoping that the wolf will select someone else.  Sheepdogs are prepared to stop the wolf and have accepted their responsibility for confronting evil in our society.  If the wolf attacks the sheepdog then there will likely be one less wolf.  On occasion, the best-prepared sheepdog will lose, but he will go down fighting, killed on the spot doing his duty.  He will not be dragged off and tortured to death.  There are things worse than death and those who surrender to the wolf often learn what those things are.

When the sheepdog hears of yet another horrible crime committed by the wolf he does not feel relief because the wolf chose another for his victim.  He does not hide his head and try to pretend that such a fate could never befall his family.  Instead, he is reminded to remain alert and re-evaluate his own preparations to contend with such an occurrence.

One difference between real sheep and human-sheep is the fact that real sheep are born sheep.  Human sheep have decided to be sheep and can change into sheepdogs if they elect to do so.  Human sheep can change from cowering victims to sheepdogs by being armed, well trained, and mentally prepared to use force in the defense of life.  Sheepdogs can make their family’s expectation of protection a reality.  Sheepdogs are living up to the ideals of being an American.

Duty to Family.

Allow us to explain something that you may not have considered.  Self-defense is not simply a right, it is a responsibility.  We do not have a right to protect members of our family, we have a duty.  Our families believe that we can keep them safe from evil events.  In most cases, this is nothing more than a fairy tale, a false promise. If armed home invasion robbers force their way into your home today or tonight what will you do?  What could you do?  Resistance without the means, the mental preparation, and the skill is courageous but the end result is likely to be the same.  The wolf wins.

Duty to Community and Country.

When a sheep fails to stop a wolf from torturing, robbing and assaulting him because he has no means to stop the wolf, the sheep bears some responsibility for the next victim.  Had the sheep been a sheepdog prepared to stop the wolf, all of the future victims of that wolf would have been spared. The wolf is the culprit but every victim has the potential opportunity and the duty to save the next victim by defending himself.

If Not You, Who?

The Police will keep us safe, right?  Did you know that courts have ruled that the police have no duty to protect anyone?  Did you ever consider that the police protect you after the crime by trying to apprehend the wolves who tortured and murdered you and your family?  Do you understand that the only one who can protect you during the crime is you?  Do you not watch the news and see that evil occurs everywhere, in every neighborhood to all age groups, all economic groups, and both genders?

The wolf is afraid of the sheepdog and well he should be.  Who among us will now elect to continue through life as a sheep, cowering from the wolf and hoping that the wolf will take someone else?   Who will choose instead to become a sheepdog that can and will protect himself and his flock?

On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs
(From the book, On Combat, by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman)